Saturday, July 7, 2012


Tiff and Shell are doing this 365 challenge;  you have to make one drawings every night for 365days.
It should be quick and easy drawings or paintings or any forms of art except for the photograph.
and it is supposed to help you with getting this habit of drawing something everyday no matter what.
They also mentioned this also will be great chance to practice on your quick drawing skills and build portfolios and so on.

for me, I always wanted to be able to draw with my both hands, so I will be doing left hand drawings every night.

so I drew what's on my desk right now(which is real mess) with my left hand using tablet.
Gosh it sucks but hopefully, I will get better at it.
I got cramp after while.. but oh well! it will get better for sure.
Let's get this going!!

Tiff's blog:
Shell's Blog:


  1. Heyyy~ finally you post your first one! Congratss!! =D

    You drew that with left hand and its not an abstract? Thats amazing.. I should try that too tonight.

    1. Kye, you should put 'followers' in your dashboard, so I can follow you. I dont know how to follow you without that..

  2. is that wine on your table! did you draw this when you are drunk?
