Friday, March 8, 2013

Second Italy Painting..!

I did another one...! Doing Italy Painting is always a great escape for me.  Painting Italy triggers my good memories from that trip.

This is small town called Asisi.(I believe...) It was our very last trip we had at the residency. It rained and stopped and rained again. super sunny, then supper rainy then supper sunny again.  I like the photoes I took there because they are very colorful and gray at the same time. they have almost surrealistic feelings to it. and I Like it!!
Painting buildings were challenging but challenging is always good:)
can't wait to do another Italy painitng.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

New Italy Painting..!

I was having trouble with the paintings I've been working on,
so I did Italy painting for some little break.

This is from photo I took very first day in Italy, when Pete, Tri and I talked for the first time and walked around Montecastello to figure out where the Cafe was.. ;)  and we saw huge fire in the middle of nowhere..

and this is what my studio look like.

need to organize more...!

Just little sketches I did past days...

^^Adrian Painting

^Me in weird mood

^Pete's Guitar playing hands

^Pete's Guitar playing face

^Eva animating

and sketches for paintings.

First Sketch for my BFA Piece..

Another embrace..